Wednesday, 29 June 2016

IPM - Day 25

LOTS of little things today.

I started out by addressing the road and the turf on either side. I know I wanted tall grass in the sunny areas and I knew I had to "rough up" the path edges.

Stitching grass ('till the cows come home, haha) wasn't going to give me the effect I wanted because there would be too many stitches breaking up the flow of the tall grass.
I decided to cut thread in about one inch lengths and lay them in place as grass. A light netting and a few passes of "stitched" grass held them securely. This allowed me to place the colour where I wanted it rather than have the variegated thread dictate where it would be. Each blade of grass is full length without being chopped up with stitch breaks. A softer look I think.
I used 4 different shades of variegated thread for this, the lighter ones in the sun and a darker one for the deep shade at the bottom.
The edge of the path was restitched in different colours. It's closer to what I want, but I may revisit it again.
Just that lower right corner to deal with now.

I filled out the bottom left with leaves and stems bringing the vegetation right up to the road.

I mentioned before I've been changing the shape of this piece each time I put the photos through Photoshop. And I'll show you why.

Here is the un-cropped work.
I have already decide to chop about 4 inches off the bottom. It's just too heavy otherwise.  But now I'm looking at lowering the top edge as here....

Still lots of time to make that decision.

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