Friday, 22 May 2015

Dogwood and Birches - Final


The last few days have been an endurance test. LOL

Every tree was either outlined in white and gray or thread painted with at least 3 shades of thread, greys, beige and white. I started to overstitch the black markings on the cloth but found on the smaller trees it was more of a hindrance than an addition. So most of the black marks that needed beefing up were done with paint.
What doesn't show in the photo is the major trees have all had a light touch of white pearl paint added to the "sun" or left side. Just another little "kick".
As for the 100+ trees and shrubs...... most are hidden now or partially concealed. I prefer to build from the back, foreword, and if things become buried they were not a waste of time. They helped me create a realistic scene. There are no holes.

I am particularly pleased with the final effect  in the foreground, of the brush thinning in density.
Just enough of the ground peaks through. Outlining every tree was a necessity too. It allows each to stand out from the background.

This is unbound as of now. Lately I have left all these large "tree" piece unframed or self framed. It will probably receive the same treatment.

I think this will be the last of this series using hooped netting to create texture. I know I will use it again. For now I have different sorts of requests and commissions waiting.

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