Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Bear - Other Options

The bear I put together yesterday is a repeat of one I've done 4? times before. I get bored when things get stale. I got thinking, last night about putting that particular bear in a background that wasn't forest, summer or autumn. Maybe rocks and sky?
So what to put on this background.

I had prepped and cut a second bear cub.

This background is different from the first, but the pose is rather limited.

I do have whole file of Bear pictures so I worked on this one today.

This is a black bear. The head shape is distinctive, as is the colour.

This one is not so pose-ready, perhaps a little more natural. Lots of thread work to do with this one. Most people might prefer the see the bear moving away from them!

But as a caution, I'm really not happy when the background starts dictating what should be on it.
I could still cut it up into...........TREES. LOL
In the meantime I have 3 bears prepped and ready to use. So not a waste of time...ever.

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