Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Birch Trees - Day 1

As a is the internet photo image.

This one emphasizes the mature boles. I hoping for some interesting work here. I made some fresh "birch" material a few days ago.

As a trial, first thing the morning, it was folded to the size of an actual tree trunk and placed on the auditioning background material.

This is a good time to use those "mistake" materials. The colour is all that is important here.
And with that decided i pulled out all the possible foliage choices.

I had been thinking I might have to quick dye some suitable yellow, but these selections seem to be giving me what I far.

So beginning with the lower foreground/background I sliced two different colours of foliage. These are much larger than usual but I wanted to fill the bottom/front with shadow. Each piece was placed individually, anchored with a light tacking spray.

To dampen the orange, a little colour interest was added with this scrap of material and then most of it was covered. Twigs are embroidery floss. There will be much more of that detail.

All the bits were stitched under netting.
Yes this is in two pieces. That decision I made last night. It will be easier to handle, and when the trees trunks (paper stand-ins) are added near the end, the two pieces will come back together.

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