Friday, 10 October 2014

Red Rock Canyon - Oct 10

I've been busy.
All the time this piece has been at the back of my consciousness, interfering with my sleep and creeping into my thought while at other work. I hate it when the piece takes over. I'm not sure why this has happened with this one.
I know I've placed a lot of importance on it as it is a gift for my son, but its also because its a colour I'm not comfortable with and its given more trouble than I expected.

I decided a few days ago I should have used more bright orange in the initial cartoon. I had thought the colours faded in the foreground but as I examined a lot of my son's photos again, I realized they were orange through and through. My thread wasn't giving me that, so today I painted over a portion of the piece. Its done what I wanted and brightened up the orange colour.

Its STILL far from finished but I'm happier with it now. A little more rock work and then I will start on the vegetation. And then there's the sky................

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