Friday, 10 October 2014

Painting with my Landscape Group

Thursday night I hosted our landscape group and, as we had discussed my fabric painting at our last get together, the group was interested in exploring this medium.
A small number in attendance made it very doable as we were working inside and could only rely on the cloths drying in situ over night. I armed everyone with a fat-quarter and after giving them a brief demo on some of the techniques and how the paint behaved and misbehaved on wet and dry cloth, they dove in like kids.

We had great fun and all watched, fascinated, as the colours moved and blended in each other's pieces, sometimes beyond our intentions or control.
So my friends haven't seen their dry masterpieces yet. I look forward to watching their eyes light up when I deliver their pieces to them at our guild meeting next week.

Independent as ever, Scott's piece has a purpose in a future piece! Lovely exploration of orange. Might there be a pumpkin in his future?
 Wendy has obviously spent time with a lot of sunsets. She's responsible for the Tofino Project.

 Pat played with how the colour migrated and changed. Some lovely landscape potential too.

 Mary Anne was determined to have a turquoise sea. She wasn't sure at the time but I think she'll be happy with her results.

And last, my demo piece. The centre was splashed with the pearl opaque. Hmmmmmmm.

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