Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Mucking in the Swamp

It's time I got back to this piece. Have to stay home now and again.

So we're still working in the distance. As I've mentioned before it HAS to go in as you move forward as you can't put it in afterwards. It may seem like an inordinate amount of work as most of it gets covered but its what adds depth and detail.

I spent some time working up "shrubbery" on netting. I SO like this technique now as it reduces the bulk and virtually removes all chance of distortion.

The tiny pieces are actually three colours each. Using a complimentary colour in the bobbin adds even more interest.   Some foliage and the purple tinged Canadian milkweed.
The vertical stitching is basting. I used a puffy poly......because it's what I had, and its needs taming to make sure there is no bunching up. But as I'm working continuously from Top to Bottom, its really just getting it out of my way.

The "bits" are applied with again another colour so you get a rich blend with only one pass of the machine. The gold is intended to be the dead material at the base of the rushes and cat-tails.

And as I mentioned most of it gets covered over, but it adds so much texture.

So as I move forward the actual Plants become bigger and fewer. It's time to consider adding some raw applique as fill.

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