Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Tofino BC - The Forest Path

This is my third project for the fall.

Another group I belong to is also doing a collective project. This one is based on a photo a member took while visiting Tofino, BC. This is a luscious rainforest as is evident from the deep greens, the buttressed tree at the top of the page and the weathered planks of the footpath. The wooden trail is designed to protect the flora and give a stable footing where the ground is soft and in places very wet.

This is a very complex picture with so much going for it. We rejected several other very different landscape for this one. And because the fine small cameras everyone carries, that deliver great resolution, I was able to play with this great photo.
 After close inspection and several months of dithering I focused up near the top where the lovely roots show their age, covered with mosses and lichens and the ferns can be viewed on an individual basis.

Here is my simplified version with the light areas enhanced and the dark areas, mysterious. This piece will have lots of raw edged applique. I'm still trying to decide if I can add some dimension to this with the deeply furrowed tree roots.
I have decided the I will paint most/all of my cloth, just the extra touch to make it mine.
I've got some great weather coming up so finding a day when I'm not working is my only restraint.

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