Sunday 28 April 2019

Castle Rock - Day 11

Now construction has moved to the lower half and the middle ground I need to jump around. It's easier to finish a section, left, middle, right.
I added colour to all? the trees. Most are only pinned. As some would receive more direct light at different times of the day I tried to show this with colour on the boles of the tree.

The hoop stitched trees were all destined for the right side. At this point it's wasted effort to hoop construct and not know what is going to cover your work.

Tree height and planned exposure suggests the colour.

These two group sit on the right, partially in shade, under one trunk, over two and tight against another.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the closeup picture - had fun studying it to see all the details. And interesting to see how you 'build' the trees too.
