Saturday, 4 July 2015

New Work ...Needs a better Title

This morning I added LEAVES to those string trees. Tiny, tiny leaves.

After cutting, I sprinkled them on, covered them with netting, pinned them and meandered over the surface. Cutting and pinning took about an hour, stitching about 15 minutes.

I turned back to the birch boles, padded then with irregularly shaped batting and glued the edges over to audition some "crooked" trunks. The pieces of material are now reduced in size. This looks more in keeping with the scale.

I'm not ready to sew these on yet. I'm still debating what more needs to be in the background.
Do I need more birch? This is about as abstract as I get!
To this point I haven't added a ridged canvas. I will need to, when I start "painting" the birch trees. Until then, the piece is much easier to handle.

5:00 PM - Finished up the day by adding to the understory. I'm almost ready for ......shrubbery!

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