Sunday, 8 March 2015

March 8 - Day light Savings

Well there's hope for us yet. The weather network has forecast temperatures ALL WEEK, above freezing. But they've lied before LOL.
I have/had a large pot of tulips in my garage that I moved and buried today, in the snow at the bottom of my porch steps. I don't want them sprouting yet. The temp in the garage will rise rapidly with the sun shining on it all day so they needed to be put back into freezing conditions. We'll see how long it takes a metre of snow to melt.
April should be fine.

My fences did their job and kept B're Rabbit out of my backyard. My neighbours clematis were eaten to the ground but that won't damage them.

They checked out my fence regularly but made no attempt to go under or over. Whew.

But my Holly (Ilex) at the front took a hit this year. They left it alone before. It will be added to my list of shrubs to wrap next fall. Spring can't come soon enough!

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