Monday, 9 February 2015

Winter Road 3

This goes very slowly.
After the gym this morning I went back to my local supplier and brought home 5 spools of thread. 2 white (I now have 5) 1 very pale blue and 2 more grey. Rather expensive stuff this thread.

As I really have no set plan I'm just trying to feel my way through this. Though it takes a while and a lot of thread, the front portion, the "white" snow is quite straight forward. Not sure yet about the background.
To soften the pavement, I put two layers of netting over the black, one white and one black. It looks more like tarmac now than fresh asphalt.
Part of me is crying "stick something with colour in there". It's rather insistent. We'll see where that goes.

I think, too, every time I put this piece through photo shop it's going to come out different. The white is really rather tricky!

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