Friday 12 July 2019

Wet Felting - Last Day

What a change in the Weather. I had to wear a jacket outside.

I worked a little more on the landscape I started but decided I needed to find some brighter greens.
When Judy came over we popped into the local store but I found nothing.

I even tried Nellie's suggestion of using food colouring on my blank. Interesting but the dye is still traveling two hours later.

So that's where everything is for now.

Naomi came by to check things out but we ended up discussing my Woven Background. We even tried her 'mother's scarf that she had brought to see if it would felt. But no. I must have been synthetic and it colours really didn't suite the colours I'm thinking of for the leaves.

So that ends a week in summer. I'm still out to lunch on the wet felting. But as a companion to the needle felting, they do make an complimentary pair.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a fun week, just playing. We don't do enough playing so it's good to take time for it.
