Wednesday 17 July 2019

Play with Leaves

I found a few minutes yesterday so I tested my organza idea.

I applied the web to the organza lightly. Sometimes the material burns. Then it was fused to the cotton. After tracing onto the cotton I cut it out. I'm not sure I like the black pen line but that could be fixed by using an erasable or a coloured pen.

 There is a texture that was unexpected. Thinking about it the 'glue' is probable sprayed onto the paper so it may actually be dot. Or the 'glue' may sink into the gaps in the cloth structure, Fusing two opaque materials doesn't matter.

Using a method from applique work I cut a 1/4 edge of the 'glue' applied it to the organza and then fused it to the material.

But my pattern was gone.
I reapplied the 1/4 pattern and pressed the whole piece again.

It did stick but it had shifted a bit.
That's worth pursuing.

Off to play with Lino cuts today.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting experiments - thank you for sharing. I've been curious since you first mentioned fusing organza.
