Friday 3 May 2019

Castle Rock - Day 15

Even I have a breaking point.
I spent several hours this morning (as well as countless hours before) making fern and bracken fronds. Then.............I hit the wall.
Enough already!

So I took six charm squares I had set aside, cut them all up and literally threw them at the bottom.
All assembled. 😁

What's next?
Before the final quilting I need to thread paint the large trees, the add fine branch work on the horizon....and a little more diddly stuff as I come to it.
See you on the other side.


  1. Hmmm- maybe I should try throwing fabric and see what happens! I guess there's a fine line between loving what you're doing and reaching the point where you're more than ready to throw in the towel (or, in this case, the fabric!).
