Sunday, 15 June 2014

S.I.D. till the cows come home

I value my friends and I do my best for them as a customer, but this one is going to try my patience as well as my back. Its another version of a Shirt Quilt, and is almost all stitch in the ditch.
The part that isn't is a custom design on point. (I will remind myself several times over the coming week that it was my suggestion.)

This is a large design, 15 inches and it goes in the plain blocks between the 18 inch stacked blocks.
I could have drawn it on the space but I opted to draw it out on light tracing paper. This way I could duplicate it quickly and accurately by stitching the pattern with an empty needle.

After it is pinned and stitched over, its simple a matter of tearing away the paper and cutting the threads. Partial blocks are merely sections of the design.

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