Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Slight Diversion - a Granddaughter's Quilt

Seem like a lot of people have a lot of time on their hands ( oh really 😏 ). They've finished UFO's they've not had time.
This quilt was dropped off about a week ago. I finished it last night and didn't I get a call from another old customer......she has two.
In some ways I welcome the diversion. I can mount the quilt on the frame and when I get stuck or frustrated with the art...the quilt is there to drag my head in a different direction for awhile.

This was for a 3 yr old. I love children's quilts.
Underseas adventure.
The individual creatures show best from the backside. These are all from children's colouring pages.

Gramma will pick it up the next time she's in town.

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