Sunday, 26 July 2020

What Next...........

As the clues for the Mystery quilt only arrive every 2 weeks, I need something else to get my teeth into. I think I stumbled across it the other day.

After I wrote a note to accompany the Forest Violets piece that's now on its way to BC, I enfolded the note in one of the Lino/stencil print cards I made last fall. It re kindled a desire to work in that field. There are things I'd like to try and I have about a month before house guests arrive for the rest of the summer.

At supper time, every evening, my husband and I look out into the garden and comment frequently on the intensity of the colours this year. High heat and a good amount of rain these last few weeks have pushed a lot of blooming times together.

But it seems every year the Echinacea win the prize with their sheer overwhelming colour. I did try some different varieties but the old fashioned original does best in my garden.

I spent a lovely warm afternoon in the shade sketching. This might be my first subject.

pen and crayon

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