Monday 10 June 2019

Weaving - Background Concerns

My intent is this weaving exercise is the background.
I will admit I've been waffling a bit wondering if it was too busy and should in fact BE the piece.

As it's almost to size I ran it through a drawing programme and doodled over the background.
The result in my mind is that it will work and I can stop fretting.

 Cropped to get ride of most of the 'fringe' it still looks very busy.

But a scribble of leaves, branches and birch boles gives it a very different feel. I'm happy. I know I'll sleep better.

1 comment:

  1. I'm behind in commenting (again!) but please know I read all your posts with great interest. At first I wasn't sure about the woven background but as you progressed I started to get excited...and now, seeing it with the 'scribbles' on top I can see the potential. Can't wait to see what you do next!
